EDUTAINMENT – Verband Deutscher Schul & KITA Caterer (2019)

For the project each month a new story is build around a sustainable grown / processed / cooked food for Berlin school cantines. Here the potatoe called Knolli explains its way from: field – potato peeling company – catering business. (Part 2 from 4 video episodes)

DOCUMENTARY – for Slow Food Germany (2019)

Within the education program Edible Connections two classes on two continents are digitally connected to discuss how food consumption has an impact on global climate change and how each one can make a better choice.

ARTHOUSE – the german Hawaii: Altfriessack

Out & about with my friends. Never a waste of time to document time with the ones you love.

EDUTAINMENT – Verband Deutscher Schul & KITA Caterer (2019)

For the project each month a new story is build around a sustainable grown / processed / cooked food for Berlin school cantines. Here rye is a contestant for the GRAIN GOT TALENT SHOW. (Part 2 from 4 video episodes)

DOCUMENTARY – for Slow Food Germany (2019)

How can milk and milk products be procuded , processed & sold in a “good clean and fair” way? Völkleswaldhof is one answer according to Slow Food Germany ´s standards.